Giving | G12 UK

Giving Details

Want to make a donation or fulfil a pledge? Please find the details below.

Give by Card /  pay / G pay

Give by Bank Transfer

To G12 UK
Account 10113884
Sort Code 16-31-27
Reference G12UK + your name

Give by International Bank Transfer

IBAN GB70 RBOS 1631 2710 1138 84
Address King’s House, 77A Frances Road, Windsor, SL4 3AQ, UK
Bank Royal Bank of Scotland,
Customer Service Centre,
Drummond House, 1 Redheughs Avenue, Edinburgh, EH12 9JN, UK

If you are a new donor to G12 UK / King's Church International
You can boost your donation by 25% through 'Gift Aid'. This is for UK taxpayers only. If you think this could apply to you please email us at and we will send you a form to complete (with explanations).
If you have already completed a Gift Aid declaration for King’s Church International / G12 UK then we can use that: you don't need to contact us.


Donations to G12UK help fund the G12UK conferences and other G12 events
G12UK is run by King’s Church International: UK charity number 1039958

Please send queries to or call +44 01753 834848